Level up your product release with our 5-Star Experience.

Our Final Mile team is ready for your new product release or launch. With our 5-Star Experience, you’ll have a dedicated logistics specialist, customized route planning, shipment priority, and much more.

1. Dedicated Logistics Specialist:
  • We have a single point of contact that offers complete control tower visibility and accountability.
2. Customized Route Planning:
  • Our Project Management team consists of dedicated planners to ensure the pick to delivery experience is developed with service and damage-free in mind while balancing speed to market.
3. Shipment Priority (within operation based on unique identifiers):
  • This enables high visibility shipments to flow through the network in a seamless high priority manager.
4. Exclusive Use Equipment (Trailers):
  • Valley leverages a network of carriers to ensure we have exclusive use for a dedicated experience.
5. Survey Completion & Analysis:
  • In conjunction with our partner customer, we will offer a 360 review to our project execution for the end customer to provide feedback. We use this in our continued effort to be best in class.
Take your business to the next level. Add value with Valley’s 5-Star Service by contacting us today at finalmile@valleycompanies.com. Download our 5-Star Case Study here.